Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm going through changes...

     Time flies when you're having fun, It moves when you're busy & if you don't look at the clock it will pass by quickly.
     So, Is B-Low Radar Records still around, an entity, in existence? I say yes, though its very debatable. No, there have been no new releases in now years. No, no new recordings by me either. Most of the other artists, members & friends are not in touch as much these days, and my plans for the future of my art / music is still undecided.
     Here's what I can tell you; starting with school & then the birth of my daughter, time and creativity began to be effected. Then it was sickness. On Easter of 2011 I suffered a grand mal seizure that dislocated & fractured both of my shoulders as well as broke my spirit in many ways. Face with the reality of my own mortality through this near death experience, I needed to reevaluate my goals, desires & purpose in life .
     My daughter & my recovery were my focus. If I die so ends my time with her, and I wasn't ready for that. So my transformation began. It slow, steady & tough but I'm here now a new man with no plans of stopping ever. So much has changed but for starters I lost around 50 pounds, I regained most of my range of motion and I'm in better shape then I've been in a long time.
     Also I've met an amazing woman who helped me with my physical transformation (once my personal trainer, now my gf) which has made me see, think and do things differently. Even before her though I knew I needed to change things, especially artistically, because being a role model for my daughter made me realize I needed to be a positive influence from this point on.
     As a result, expect a new style, image and approach, not just musically but overall. My art extends beyond just sound but now to sight with my photography & writings. Bottom line, expect new things soon. Thank you for taking the time read this. Sincerely , Z

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The 3rd Installment is Finally Here!!!


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hard to believe its been 4 years since I recorded and released this. It feels like 10 though. I listened to it a couple of weeks ago and still found it entertaining. This uploaded version is the original recording. After previewing it to a bunch of friends and fans when it first was recorded, it was requested that I break it up into individual tracks. So I did. If you're intersted in a copy of that version as well, hit me up and I'll take care of you. In the meantime, HAPPY HALLOWEEN and ENJOY. - Z -

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


THE RADIO RESCUE with DJ Z - 8.25.09 Full-show w/Special Guest PROFESSOR ANARCHY

So where to begin with this...? This Show wasn't scheduled to be uploaded on here so you can listen to and download it, for quite sometime But here it is. Recently my radio station that I broadcast my show on, was put on indefinite Lock Down due to the fact that our Station Manager (and my good friend) Greg Gaughn resigned from his position with less than a week's notice, and the Dean of the College refused to hire our Music Director (who is a student @ the college & a DJ on the station) which Greg had suggested as his replacement for the job. Why? I don't know. Ask the Dean.
So anyways, the show was recorded & scheduled to air on Tues. Night - 8.25.09, but it never did. I showed up to the station to load it into the megaseg (automated music program), and was greeted by Campus Security explaining that absolutley no one was allowed in the radiostation for whaever r eason.
Long story short, the show didn't air that night and we (as in the rest of the DJs and myself) have been off the air & locked out of the station since, while the automated system runs on and on by itself. Yeah . So anyways here you go;


Thursday, July 30, 2009

DJ Z's Kaatcha Blog Radio Episode 1-WARNING; THIS IS NOT HIPHOP!!!!

What's Up People? I been slacking on putting up New Posts on here, but believe me its for good reasons. I mean, how many people do you know who DJ 3 nights a week, go to school 4 days a week, work 4 jobs and have a 8 month old daughter to manage? EXACTLY. Anyways, my good friends @

asked me to be a part of their blog a little while ago, and I gladly accepted. So this is my first Blog Radio Podcast that I compiled for them, and figured I might as well post it on here as well.

The fact it isn't HipHop is appropriate because believe it or not, B-Low Radar Records is not "Strictly" a HipHop label or entity. As you will see and here in the near future, we've released songs from other types of genres in the past, and plan to continue to do so in the future. So if your into and up for some Old School Rock, Punk, Indie, Emo, Alternative and Metal, then sit back, relax and enjoy this little mix I put together for us both. And this time you have the option to listen to it if and before you decide to download it or not. I'm sure you'll appreciate that as well. Enjoy. -DJ Z-

For the track listing for this mix visit the Kaatcha Blogspot. The link is above. If the link expires, feel free to contact me @ myspace.com/djzmc or needles1379@yahoo.com, and I will re-upload it for you.