THE RADIO RESCUE with DJ Z - 8.25.09 Full-show w/Special Guest PROFESSOR ANARCHY
So where to begin with this...? This Show wasn't scheduled to be uploaded on here so you can listen to and download it, for quite sometime But here it is. Recently my radio station that I broadcast my show on, was put on indefinite Lock Down due to the fact that our Station Manager (and my good friend) Greg Gaughn resigned from his position with less than a week's notice, and the Dean of the College refused to hire our Music Director (who is a student @ the college & a DJ on the station) which Greg had suggested as his replacement for the job. Why? I don't know. Ask the Dean.
So anyways, the show was recorded & scheduled to air on Tues. Night - 8.25.09, but it never did. I showed up to the station to load it into the megaseg (automated music program), and was greeted by Campus Security explaining that absolutley no one was allowed in the radiostation for whaever r eason.
Long story short, the show didn't air that night and we (as in the rest of the DJs and myself) have been off the air & locked out of the station since, while the automated system runs on and on by itself. Yeah . So anyways here you go;