"If there is a song or songs that you would like to know info for, i.e.; artist name, title of track, title of album it appears on, please contact me @, or email me at this address - . If the link expires, feel free to contact me and I will re-upload it for you." UPDATE: Thanks for letting me know about the Megaupload link. It has been restored.
As an Instrumental part of B-Low Radar Records, I feel I can speak on behalf of all its artists by saying, "We're sorry we've been away so long and slowed down on the number of releases we've produced over the last couple of years, but WE'RE BACK and WE'RE GOING TO MAKE UP FOR IT.". -DJ Z-
As for our first post/download here on Blogger or Blogspot, or whatever the fuck this site is called, We figured we'd hit everyone with something NEW, as well as OLD.
THE RADIO RESCUE with DJ Z hit the airwaves on 91.5FM - WDBK, in January of 2008, from 4 to 6PM. The show's original format mirrored "somewhat" the format of the station it was broadcasting on, which was Alternative, Rock, Punk, Emo, Metal, Hardcore, Etc.

DJ Z put his own spin on the show by playing older and unknown songs from bands in those genres that were around during anywhere between the 80's and Today, were consider Indie or Underground, and were not heard anywhere on the radio anymore (if ever), or on the various other shows hosted by the station.
Once the show began to develop, had loyal listeners & followers, and began to rise in popularity, the station's manager, and my very good friend Greg Gaughn, decided to let me do what I do best, which was offer me a nighttime slot (Tuesdays from 9 until midnight) as a Specialty DJ and to host an Old School, Underground, and Independent HipHop Show, free of format and the way I wanted. Of course I accepted, and so it began.
Even then the show was still very raw and unpolished, (I'd bring in my laptop, external hard drive, and used Itunes to play my tracks for each evening). Not really the way I wanted to do my show but the station had no turntables, and the cd players were your standard radio station variety, which meant no scratching, sampling, effects, NOTHING. Some of the listeners caught on and began to question; "Why don't you play records like you normally do?", "Why don't you scratch?". The answer was that I was too lazy to bring in my equipment and hook it up for every show. Plus, this is a College Radio Station, and I am a student, so the fact that I even did the show for the first year was a miracle because I was in classes all throughout at the same time.
There were a couple weeks during the first year that I couldn't make it in to do the show, (One night was because I went to see RADIOHEAD in Camden on a Tuesday, and the other was because of homework/school reasons, I think...), and these tracks on "THE RADIO RESCUE with DJ Z Volume 1" are ruff drafts of the shows that aired those two nights. Although they don't truly represent what the show is now, I felt it would be cool to release them to show the growth of myself and the show, I do enjoy listening to them, and think you will too. Since these are the only recorded shows I have for 2008, I feel they represent the essence of The Radio Rescue in its first year.

Vol.2 is already in the works and coming soon, but for now we'll just focus on getting this out and the rest of the B-Low Radar Catalog to date. -Needles-
Thank you Zerick...i enjoy every glimpse into you that you share...i'm proud to call you my friend.